If you feel that our projects are a worthwhile effort, please consider contributing money to the MetaBrainz Foundation, which is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit based in California. All of your donations will be tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt that you can use to deduct your donation off your taxes if you are a US taxpayer.
Your donations will be used to operate projects of the MetaBrainz Foundation. This includes paying for ongoing expenses like hosting, hardware, maintaining a modest office, and paying a minimal salary for MetaBrainz employees.
Where has my contribution gone? See our transparent finances.
Who else is contributing? See our list of donors.
Your billing name and (if provided) your username will be listed in our donors list unless you make your donation anonymous.
The personal information provided to the MetaBrainz Foundation during the donation process will not be shared with anyone. For more information, please take a look at our privacy policy.
To find out how to cancel recurring donations take a look at this page.
If you use GitHub to sponsor your favourite projects, you can click below to Sponsor @metabrainz on GitHub Sponsors:
You can make a donation, or recurring donations, via bank transfer to the following IBAN:
BE96 9670 3472 0205 (BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX)
Please indicate your name and use the word DONATION in the description field.
Due to the increased unreliability of the US Postal Service we have stopped accepting paper checks. Sorry!